Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Explains Your Rights After You Have Been Injured in a Bike Wreck

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Texas

Every day in the state of Texas, hundreds of thousands of bikers hit the road on their motorcycles – from ear-splitting choppers to putt-putting scooters. With so many motorbikes on the road, some of them are going to be involved in accidents – it’s a statistical certainty.Motorcycle accident attorneys

If you’ve been injured due to someone else’s negligence – whether someone’s simple inattention or a more severe form of negligence like drunken driving – then you likely have the right to pursue compensation for the harm you’ve been forced to suffer from the party or parties who caused the accident. If this has happened to you, then you need to know your rights and the legal options available to you. If you’ve lost a family member in a fatal motorcycle accident, then you need to know the methods you have at your disposal for bringing the responsible party to justice.

Our motorcycle accident lawyers have been helping injured Texans recover from motorbike accidents for over 20 years, so we know how challenging and stressful it can be to bounce back from your injuries and get your life back to where it was before. We’ve helped hundreds of injured people secure many millions of dollars for the injuries they’ve suffered or the loved ones they’ve lost, so we know how to help you. We want to help you better understand the legal process you are about to undertake so that you have the best chance of securing the compensation to which you are entitled after being injured or losing a loved one in a West Texas motorbike wreck.

Motorcycle Accidents are Vastly Different From Car Wrecks

Dramatically, one needs only to look at the damage caused by the wrecks to see the difference between motorcycle wrecks and automobile accidents. To put it plainly, people who are involved in motorcycle accidents are simply at greater risk of harm than those who are secured inside a car. In 2018, 418 motorcycle riders were killed in wrecks according to statistics released by the Texas Department of Transportation – that’s 16 percent of all traffic fatalities in the state. Furthermore, 6,913 motorcyclists suffered serious injuries in accidents. Two-thirds of all motorcycle accidents in the state of Texas result in serious injury or death. No matter how well a motorcycle functions and rides, its construction lacks an outer frame to provide protection to the rider and any passengers.

The legal process to seek restitution for injuries suffered during a wreck is complicated by the increased hazard presented by motorcycle wrecks. Many car wreck claims can be settled through the insurance claims process without involving an attorney or filing a lawsuit. When it comes to the more serious injuries that tend to be involved with motorcycle wrecks, insurance companies often put forth a much greater resistance to fairly compensating the victim because to do so would be to surrender much more money than is typical in a car wreck. Often times, motorcycle accident victims must have the help of a knowledgeable and experienced motorcycle accident attorney. You could be forced into settling for far less compensation than you deserve, or possibly nothing at all if you don’t have assistance from an attorney with years of experience with similar cases. Both insurance adjusters and defense lawyers count on their ability to take advantage of the inexperienced. More information on this site@

Carabin & Shaw P.C., Attorneys At Law
5606 North Navarro Street Suite 2001, Victoria, TX 77904

(361) 485-1400
(800) 862-1260



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