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In The US A Car Accident Happens Every 10 Seconds

According to a report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an auto accident takes place somewhere every 10 seconds in the US.  Auto accidents can take place due to different reasons and some of the known causes of auto accidents are negligence of drivers, dangerous driving, driving under influence (DUI), or driving under the influence of banned drugs. If you are a victim of any type of auto accident, whether a car accident, truck accident, bus accident, motorcycle accident, or pedestrian accident, you must get in touch with an Auto Accident accident attorneys

In an auto vehicle accident, it is not just the driver who is a victim but also those pedestrians who become victims of such accidents. In case you are seriously injured due to negligence of individuals or any authority, you must contact an auto accident law firm and your accident lawyer will help you receive justice and compensation from the negligent driver involved in the accident. It is the duty of an auto accident lawyer to provide justice and compensation for the injuries, loss of human life, and destruction of property. Lawyers who specialize in auto accident laws and regulations are referred to as Auto Accident Attorneys.

As per law, both the operator of the at-fault vehicle and the owner of that auto vehicle are responsible for compensation to the injured. Also, your insurance company has to pay for all medical bills and compensation for lost wages if you are a victim of an auto accident.

In most auto accident cases, insurance companies and agencies use under-handed tactics to nullify genuine injury claims. For instance, they will never tell you important information such as you need to file an accident claim within 2 years from the date of the accident and this will give you full benefits from the insurance company. Thus, it is important to contact a lawyer if you have received personal injuries in the accident and your auto accident lawyer will help you get compensation for damages and injuries that you have sustained.

It is the duty of everyone to drive carefully and not to cause an accident. If an auto driver’s negligence is responsible for the accident, he or she is liable to pay for damages and injuries of all the victims.

There are several reasons why you must contact a lawyer immediately after an accident and an experienced auto accident lawyer will study your case. They will contact witnesses, search police reports and look at traffic laws to find out if the accident resulted from your fault or not. In some cases, it is seen that the accident was caused by a defect in your vehicle, and in case of a product liability lawsuit is filed against the automobile manufacturer. An auto accident attorney will help you receive justice and compensation for your injuries.

Some of the other known causes of auto accidents within include – improper road lighting, poor construction and maintenance of roads, malfunctioning traffic signals, wrongly placed trees or poles, and other such civil issues, then the government or state authorities can be brought to court

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